29 Dec

Imagine going for a lunch date with your friends to a restaurant that's been the talk of the town! The ambiance is excellent, so is the food but just when you're about to click a picture to share on your instagram you realize the lighting is too bright! 

Since UAE Is seldom “not sunny” there’s a high chance any restaurant you visit may be too bright or too full of light!  If you're a restaurant owner, this should be of even greater concern to you because diners might not prefer dining in a restaurant that's too bright all the time. With high temperatures in the region, sunlight may not be too welcome!

Opt for professional in restaurant interior design Dubai,  to create a  space for your diners, that’s not too bright, not too dark, but just the right kind of ”enlightened” ( pun intended!).

Restaurant Lighting Tips to Brighten Your Dining Space

Use the following restaurant lighting tips to brighten up your dining space without overdoing it!

Restaurant Lighting Tips

Evenly Distributed Light

It’s essential that you light is evenly distributed throughout your dining area leaving no room for “bright spots" and "dark spots." The intensity of light depends on the feel and location of the restaurant. For example a fast food restaurant will have a brighter light, but a restaurant with a romantic ambiance will need warmer, dimmer lights to create a romantic feel.

Even the dimmest lights in the restaurant should be bright enough to allow diners to read menus and see their fellow customers. For restaurants, the most commonly used lights include hanging lights with simplistic designs.

The diners are in your restaurant to dine in your living room not to peer into your kitchen! And although you need a brightly lit kitchen, it's essential to keep the lighting less attractive than that for your dining area.

One way to ensure you get both, a brightly lit kitchen and diners not getting attracted to your kitchen, is to place your kitchen door away from your dining area.  If it opens up directly into the dining area use wing walls to cut out any noise and light.

Change Light According To The Time Of The Day

Furthering the restaurant lighting tips, a restaurant that’s open through the important meal times, may need to work on the lighting a little more. A restaurant that opens during night time or during lunch hours has a fixed setting for lighting. However, the former restaurants may need to adjust lights according to the time of the day.

Dim lights during dinner and brighter lights during breakfast are the way to go. For lunch, however, it’s ok to keep the lighting moderate.

Use Focal Points In The Room

 If you display pieces of art in your restaurant or any other displays you would want to attract attention towards.  It's a good idea to accentuate the display area using accent lights. Track lighting, hanging lights, lamps can be used to create an emphasis on that part of the room.

Use Sunlight To Brighten Up The Room

If your restaurant is located on the east or west it’s a plus for you since there will be lots of natural light and beautiful views in your restaurant. However, the light might irritate some of the diners. Use adjustable blinds or tinted windows to reduce the amount of light entering your dining area.

Take Away!

A well-lit restaurant is not only a place that Instagrammers love going to. People of all ages enjoy a restaurant that has the right lighting and the right food so if your planning on creating a very well loved space considering the restaurant lighting tips and acquiring the assistance of companies dealing in restaurant interior design Dubai and allow them to create a rightly lit space for everyone; selfie lovers, food lovers, and everyone else in the Gulf!

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